Sunday, May 25, 2014

The History of Muslim in Manipur Kingdom after 1606 AD.

When Saafar Muhammad accompanied Kausar Muhammad and his sister Bibi Jainab to Manipur Kingdom he brought from Sylhet like the seed of beans and Mangoes along with some fruits.The Muslims cultivated the Mango seeds and after three years when it got ripen and gifted to the King Khagemba.The King Khagemba along with Manipuri Public tasted the Mangoes.The King satisfied of the Mango taste and ordered to Muslims namely Punom Sheik,Kausar Muhammad and Saafar Muhammad to Cultivate for fruits,vegitables etc in a corn field given by the KIngdom. #(Page26-Turko Afghangi Chada Naoda by Kheirudding Khullakpam)
The ancestor of Turko Afghan settled in Manipur has got three years over.During 1609 AD there are three Mirs(Muslim Commandant) namely Syed Ambiya,Syed Abdullah and Syed Khulka from Shylhet reached Manipur for preparing war against the Kingdom.After reaching in the Manipur Kingdom,The Manipur King Khagemba asked to Kaaji Nawab Muhammad Saani about their origin,reason to visit etc.Kaaji Saani replied that they came from Shyllet and they are grand childs of Nawab Naajiri (which was Shyllet’s ruler),they wanted to see the Kingdom.The King Khagemba told to Nawab Saani to be sincere to the visitors and for them it must provide for separate staying house,food,Servants etc .
After the discussion with Nawab Saani the three Mirs told him that they came to Manipur Kingdom for search any chance to attack the Kingdom.Nawab Saani replied that he become Nawab and he was head for Shariah Law (the code of law of Islam) to all the Muslims settled in Manipur Kingdom.Even though Nawab Saani was ready for another war against Manipur Kingdom.
The three Mirs eager to know Nawab whether Pasha Muslim would lived in peace and stability in Manipur and whether the Muslims get any problem facing in the Kingdom, but now the Muslim got Kaaji title and Shariah law implemented in the Kingdom.Regarding the war against Manipur Kingdom the three Mirs decided to consult with Nawab Naajri along with Nawab Maajkoor Saad malik based in Shyllet.So the three Mirs told to King Khagemba that they forgot to carry Holy Quran book from Shyllet and need to go back.The three Mirs returned to Shyllet in Pratabhgarh(Which was Shyllet’s Capital).

The three Mirs namely Syed Ambiya,Syed Abdullah and Syed Khulka were discussed with details of Manipur’s condition with Muhammad Majkoor Saad Malick Syed KHulka Hussain of Shyllet.Later they discussed of the Manipur situation with Nawab Muhammad Naajiri.
Later Nawab Muhammad Naajiri told them that if the Muslim got “ Kaaji” title given by Manipur Kingdom than the Muslims won’t be any problem in the future so no need for another war against the Kingdom.
Nawab Muhammad Naajiri also told them that the legal issue of the Muslims settled in Manipur would be based on Shariah law and the dispute among the Muslim would be justified by Kaaji,so there would be a written agreement between King Khagemba and Muhammad Saani.
There were three commitment which would be an agreement between King Khagemba and Muhammad Saani are:

1.The Pasha Muslims were settled in Manipur would be accepted as citizen of the Kingdom.
2.There would be no obstacle for Islam religion and it would be freely practice across the Kingdom and the legal issues of Muslims would be settled through Shariah Law.
3.The Muslims would not be forced to move out from the Manipur Kingdom. If there would so than the offspring of Meitei Women whom called themselves as “Pangal’’ would get their shares. #(Page28-Turko Afghangi Chada Naoda by Kheirudding Khullakpam)
The said three commitment to be followed by the Manipur kingdom else it would be again 2nd war against the kingdom and if the written agreement would be done by Muslims and King Khagemba than there would be no war. In 1609 AD Syed Khulka Hussain brought the Quran books from Shyllet to the Kingdom.

After discussed details of the same commitment by Syed Ambiya,Syed Abdullah, Syed Khulka and Kaaji Muhammad Saani they decided to approach with King Khagemba for the agreement.Later Kaaji aproached the same to the King Khagemba.The King Khgemba told to Kaaji Muhammad Saani that what he said earlier about giving commitment to the Muslims would be same and it won’t be changed but if Muhaamad Saani did not please than he was ready to made agreement.The three commintment were signed by King Khagemba and Muhammad Saani in 1609 AD. . #(Page29-Turko Afghangi Chada Naoda by Kheiruddin Khullakpam)
Later the King allowed to settled the Kingdom the three Mirs namely Syed Ambiya,Syed Abdullah, Syed Khulka to marry each of Manipuri woman i,e Syed Ambiya for Nongthombam Chanu Hemavathi,Syed Abdullah for Yumnam Lembi,Syed Khulka for Moirang Chanu Kunjubu etc.The three Mirs got surname of “Merai Mayum’’. . #(Page29-Turko Afghangi Chada Naoda by Kheiruddin Khullakpam).

Friday, April 4, 2014

Relation between Manipur Kingdom and Sylhet (Presently Bangladesh) during and after 1606 AD

   After Muslims settled down in various parts of Manipur Kingdom , the Muslim leader Muhammad Saani wanted to keep strong relation with Sylhet.Therefore Muhammad Saani wanted to send his relative Saafar Muhammad as messenger to Sylhet.Saafar Muhammed requested  to Manipur King Khagemba that in Sylhet his younger brother Kausar Muhammad and sister  Jainab were there and they did not have any relative to look after so Saafar Muhammad wanted to bring in Manipur so that he could care them.
The King Khagemba replied to Saafar Muhammad that after reaching Sylhet if he did not come back than it would be lost for the Kingdom.So the king insisted to Saafar Muhammad to come back to Manipur Kingdom.
    Saafar Muhammad promised the King that he will return to the Kingdom. The King satisfied by Saafar Muhammad’s willing to return the Kingdom and the king has sent three Manipuri namely Waikhomcha Gangaram,Mayang Saaliya,Haobam Lamthok to accompanied to Sylhet.
After reaching  to Sylhet, Saafar Muhammad gave details to Muhammad Majkoor Nawab of Manipur Kingdom’s  Muslims condition .After listening from Saafar Muhammad the Sylhet Nawab Majkoor has decided to send more Muslim armies to protect Manipur Kingdom from neighbors. As per Saafar Muhammad’s intention to visit Sylhet he accompanied younger brother Kausar Muhammad and sister Jainab to Manipur and he gave details of Sylhet to Muhammad Saani .The development and luxurious life in Sylhet has told to King Khagemba by Saafar Muhammad.The Manipur King Khagemba got pleased the  of what relation between Sylhet and his Kingdom.
   Later the Sylhet has decided to protect Manipur Kingdom and the North side of side of Sylhet was rule  by king name as Ali Muhammad  , North East side was Muhaammad Majkoor(Malik Pratab) as commander,west side was Muhibullah as commander.Muahammad Naajiri alias Bayajid Afghani become the ruler of the whole Shylet.Muhammad Majkoor become the Nawab in leu of Muhammad Saani (Because Muhammad Saani  moved permanently to Manipur).The areas Nawab Majkoor  extended areas near to  North side of Amoshi (Attached to Kushiyara Surma),West side near to  Surkhai and Silchar(Presently in Assam,India)  as East side and South areas near to Lusai Hills (Presently Known as Mizoram state in India).The same areas which used to known as Pratabhgarh.
    The Pratabgarh area made Elhaial as capital.
    When Saafar  Muhammad accompanied Kausar Muhammad and sister Bibi Jainab to Manipur Kingdom he brought from Sylhet as the seed of beans and Mangoes along with some fruits.The Muslims cultivate the Mango  seeds and after three years  it got ripen and gifted to the King Khagemba.The King Khagemba along with Manipuri Public tasted the Mangoes.The King got satisfied of the Mango Taste and ordered to Muslims namely Punom Sheik,Kausar Muhammad and Saafar Muhammad to Cultivate for  fruits,vegitables etc in a corn field.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Nawab Muhammad Saani's "Kaaji" tittle

       After the  agreement between Nawab Muhammad Saani and Manipur King Khagemba in 1606 AD the Muslims were allowed to settled permanently in Manipur as I mentioned in earlier article.
       Nawab Muhammad Saani was a Pasha Leader of  Mughal emperior.Being as leader he was offered to marry two Manipuri Women name as Nongthombam Chanu Maitek Sana and Chakpram Malei.Nongthombam Chanu Maitek Sana got a son called Ahong but Chakpram Malei did not have any offspring.Nawab Muhammad Saani’s residence was Moirangthem Jonmosthan Mongbahanba’s Paka leikai.Nawab was known as ‘Borosena’ by Meitei (Manipuri) people.He was awarded as Kaji a respectful title by Meitei for the Muslim Community.Kaji is an Arabic word means Protector to the community,decision maker.He was responsible for the 1007 Muslims who were married 1007 Meitei Women  and settled in Manipur.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Places were Muslims settled permanently in Manipur

The war in Bishnupur (Toubul) that fought between Meitei army backed by Muslim and Tribes has ended.Accordingly there was agreement between Nawab Muhammad Saani and Manipur King Khagemba that Muslims should not return to Shyllet and settled in Manipur permanently. During 1606 AD on mid June,Friday the Muslims were started settle in Manipur .The places were Muslims  settle down in Manipur accordingly by the order of  King Khagemba to King Gambir Singh’s era were:

3.Bamon Leikai
4.Langthabal Keibung
6.Lamsang Taokhong
8.Pangal Tabi
9.Khongjom Ngathiyam Lawai
10.Wanjing Turel Wangma
13.Changamdabi Kangla Ukok
15.Bishnupur Maning Khoubam Chingjin
16.Malom Khomyal
18.Moirang Toukhol
19.Yairipok Ningthounai
20.Kamgai Laishangkhong
28.Kairong Khumidok Heinou Khongnembi
29.Mapal Engkhol
30.Sanbi Kandong
31.Maibam Lokpa
33.Singjamei Chingagi Awang
34.Bamon Kampu
35.Mayang Imphal
36.Kontha etc.

The Muslims were not settled on the said places as lasting indefinitely. There were some  expand the settlement also.Among the said places the last Muslim populated place was Kaji Pat during the King Gambir Singh.

The places were first Muslim settled in Manipur were

 1.Yairipok Ningthounai 2.Changamdabi Kangla Ukok 3.Fundrai 4.Mayang Imphal 5.Uchiwa 6.Kairong Khumidong Hainou Khongnembi etc.

The Muslim settled in Manipur in the said places were ancestors of Turks and Afghan etc.During that time there was famous Iraqi Shia Leader Mir Shamsuddin (who spread Shia the branch of Islam in India) had not reached Manipur and hence between the Muslim groups namely Shia and Sunni,the Manipuri Muslim are Sunni group and Hanafi Madhab.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

History of Manipuri Muslims

During 1562 AD Manipur Kingdom was ruled by Meidingu Mungyamba .During that time three Muslims from Shylhet (Presently Bangladesh) reached Manipur namely Ashik Shah,Ruba Sheik and Katuwan Khan. The King Mungyamba has three sons namely Khagemba,Chingsomba,Sanongba.In 1597 AD King Mungyamba’s elder son Meidingu Khagemba become ruler of Manipur Kingdom.During His period Manipur Kingdom was well known by well wishes,intermarriage,goverened and well developed.
During this Khagemba’s period there was boat competition of whole Manipur Kingdom on each and every year. It was a rainy season and the so called competition has to start.Chingsomba of King Khagemba’s younger bro did not have boat for the same competition. So Chingsomba hired a boat from  youger brother  Sanongba.During the competition the hired boat has broke down in the river.The issue of the broken boat was discussed that time.But younger brother Sanongba didn’t agree and insisted the same boat.Sanongba replied,’’ Give the original Boat else I don’t agree’’.And this issue become so outcry that it reached to King Khagemba’s Court. But the issue could not solved through by King Khagemba.  
King Khagemba angered to his younger brother Sanongba’s intention.So he said,’’Bro Sanongba whoever we decided regarding this you don’t saw any intention to agree,the issue of same boat should be returned to you although it already destroyed. The almighty God can only fulfill your intention,I am the King of Manipur you must know that.If you are not agree what I endorsed the final judgments than you must leave Manipur Kingdom forever.’’  When the final judgment came to know by Sanongba’s Mother Chang Pombi (Step Mother of King Khagemba) she wooed him for the moment.Chang Pombi was deeply blow when her son was not become the King of Manipur. Hence she and her servants started discuss the way revenge to King Khagemba’s Kingdom. At last they decided to take help from Dimasha Prataphil of Cachar Kingdom(Presently Assam) and they requested to King Prataphil to declared war against Manipur Kingdom and later make Sanongba as Manipur’s King. Later Dimasha king Praphil agreed on what they requested.
Dimasha King of Prataphil has started planning to attack Manipur but he came to know that he Dimasha army could not defeat Manipur Armies because they are much stronger than Dimasha Armies. So Dimasha King has decided to to get help from Stronger Muslim army which based in Shyllet(Presently Bangladesh) so that they easily defeat the Manipuri’s .So the Dimasha King has requested to Nawab Najiri of Shyllet.Muhammad Najiri agreed on what Dimasha’s requested.Nawab Najiri decided to declare against King Khagemba of Manipur and sent his brother Muhammad Saani as Commander along with 1007 number  of strong Muslim Army.Now Muhammad Saani and his associate army reached at Udharband (Presently in Assam).They prepared the war against Manipuri’s from Udharband which Dimasha Prataphil was rulling.Prataphil’s commander Bhimbhal and the two guides reached in the meantime at Udharband.
Then Bhimbal and the two  guides along with Muslim army of 1007 lead by Muhammad Saani left Udharband  towards Manipur.When Muslim Army lead by Md Saani reached Bishnupur,the Meitei Army become surprised to see it.The war has started between Meitei and Muslim armies in and around Bishnupur.Muslim Army has defeated the Meitei Army and reached Imphal.After that the Muslim Army has said to the Meitei people that the war has been over so the Muslim army wanted the privileged from them and wanted to go back to Shyllet,Bangladesh.Meitei as replied to eager to do the same to Muslim Army. Muslim army replied the exchanged of Privileged as Gold but the Meitei told them to wait for few days so that they can arrange it. Accordingly the Muslim army need to wait for it and go back to Shyllet.Meanwhile this period the Muslim army were allowed to practice their religion and culture freely in Manipur.One day when a Muslim army name Kamran Sheik was offering Saalat, a person name as Dhananjai of Meitei Army  catched him and ride through his horse and gifted to King Khagemba’s court.When Nawab Md Saani came to know about this incident he angered to the King and asked for the reason.MD Saani said to the King that he waited for the Privileged as Gold but the Meitei should not catched his army on that way and demanded to immediate released.Meitei replied that we waited for the chance to take revenge because we Meitei are innocent but Muslims are enemy.When the conversation was over Muslim got some uncomfortable for Meitei’s behaviors and the Muslim army prepared to attack the Meitei Kingdom.Later the Meitei Kingdom decided to settled the issue with Muslim army on peaceful way.Later the Muslim army were allowed to settle permanently in Manipur Kingdom.
The ancestors of Muslim settled down in Manipur are Mughals, Turks, Iranian, Arabs and Afghan etc.This is the History about How did Muslim reach Manipur from the beginning.
Translated from the Book,’Turko Afghan gi Chada Naoda’ by Kheiruddin Khullakpam.