Friday, April 4, 2014

Relation between Manipur Kingdom and Sylhet (Presently Bangladesh) during and after 1606 AD

   After Muslims settled down in various parts of Manipur Kingdom , the Muslim leader Muhammad Saani wanted to keep strong relation with Sylhet.Therefore Muhammad Saani wanted to send his relative Saafar Muhammad as messenger to Sylhet.Saafar Muhammed requested  to Manipur King Khagemba that in Sylhet his younger brother Kausar Muhammad and sister  Jainab were there and they did not have any relative to look after so Saafar Muhammad wanted to bring in Manipur so that he could care them.
The King Khagemba replied to Saafar Muhammad that after reaching Sylhet if he did not come back than it would be lost for the Kingdom.So the king insisted to Saafar Muhammad to come back to Manipur Kingdom.
    Saafar Muhammad promised the King that he will return to the Kingdom. The King satisfied by Saafar Muhammad’s willing to return the Kingdom and the king has sent three Manipuri namely Waikhomcha Gangaram,Mayang Saaliya,Haobam Lamthok to accompanied to Sylhet.
After reaching  to Sylhet, Saafar Muhammad gave details to Muhammad Majkoor Nawab of Manipur Kingdom’s  Muslims condition .After listening from Saafar Muhammad the Sylhet Nawab Majkoor has decided to send more Muslim armies to protect Manipur Kingdom from neighbors. As per Saafar Muhammad’s intention to visit Sylhet he accompanied younger brother Kausar Muhammad and sister Jainab to Manipur and he gave details of Sylhet to Muhammad Saani .The development and luxurious life in Sylhet has told to King Khagemba by Saafar Muhammad.The Manipur King Khagemba got pleased the  of what relation between Sylhet and his Kingdom.
   Later the Sylhet has decided to protect Manipur Kingdom and the North side of side of Sylhet was rule  by king name as Ali Muhammad  , North East side was Muhaammad Majkoor(Malik Pratab) as commander,west side was Muhibullah as commander.Muahammad Naajiri alias Bayajid Afghani become the ruler of the whole Shylet.Muhammad Majkoor become the Nawab in leu of Muhammad Saani (Because Muhammad Saani  moved permanently to Manipur).The areas Nawab Majkoor  extended areas near to  North side of Amoshi (Attached to Kushiyara Surma),West side near to  Surkhai and Silchar(Presently in Assam,India)  as East side and South areas near to Lusai Hills (Presently Known as Mizoram state in India).The same areas which used to known as Pratabhgarh.
    The Pratabgarh area made Elhaial as capital.
    When Saafar  Muhammad accompanied Kausar Muhammad and sister Bibi Jainab to Manipur Kingdom he brought from Sylhet as the seed of beans and Mangoes along with some fruits.The Muslims cultivate the Mango  seeds and after three years  it got ripen and gifted to the King Khagemba.The King Khagemba along with Manipuri Public tasted the Mangoes.The King got satisfied of the Mango Taste and ordered to Muslims namely Punom Sheik,Kausar Muhammad and Saafar Muhammad to Cultivate for  fruits,vegitables etc in a corn field.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Nawab Muhammad Saani's "Kaaji" tittle

       After the  agreement between Nawab Muhammad Saani and Manipur King Khagemba in 1606 AD the Muslims were allowed to settled permanently in Manipur as I mentioned in earlier article.
       Nawab Muhammad Saani was a Pasha Leader of  Mughal emperior.Being as leader he was offered to marry two Manipuri Women name as Nongthombam Chanu Maitek Sana and Chakpram Malei.Nongthombam Chanu Maitek Sana got a son called Ahong but Chakpram Malei did not have any offspring.Nawab Muhammad Saani’s residence was Moirangthem Jonmosthan Mongbahanba’s Paka leikai.Nawab was known as ‘Borosena’ by Meitei (Manipuri) people.He was awarded as Kaji a respectful title by Meitei for the Muslim Community.Kaji is an Arabic word means Protector to the community,decision maker.He was responsible for the 1007 Muslims who were married 1007 Meitei Women  and settled in Manipur.