Sunday, May 25, 2014

The History of Muslim in Manipur Kingdom after 1606 AD.

When Saafar Muhammad accompanied Kausar Muhammad and his sister Bibi Jainab to Manipur Kingdom he brought from Sylhet like the seed of beans and Mangoes along with some fruits.The Muslims cultivated the Mango seeds and after three years when it got ripen and gifted to the King Khagemba.The King Khagemba along with Manipuri Public tasted the Mangoes.The King satisfied of the Mango taste and ordered to Muslims namely Punom Sheik,Kausar Muhammad and Saafar Muhammad to Cultivate for fruits,vegitables etc in a corn field given by the KIngdom. #(Page26-Turko Afghangi Chada Naoda by Kheirudding Khullakpam)
The ancestor of Turko Afghan settled in Manipur has got three years over.During 1609 AD there are three Mirs(Muslim Commandant) namely Syed Ambiya,Syed Abdullah and Syed Khulka from Shylhet reached Manipur for preparing war against the Kingdom.After reaching in the Manipur Kingdom,The Manipur King Khagemba asked to Kaaji Nawab Muhammad Saani about their origin,reason to visit etc.Kaaji Saani replied that they came from Shyllet and they are grand childs of Nawab Naajiri (which was Shyllet’s ruler),they wanted to see the Kingdom.The King Khagemba told to Nawab Saani to be sincere to the visitors and for them it must provide for separate staying house,food,Servants etc .
After the discussion with Nawab Saani the three Mirs told him that they came to Manipur Kingdom for search any chance to attack the Kingdom.Nawab Saani replied that he become Nawab and he was head for Shariah Law (the code of law of Islam) to all the Muslims settled in Manipur Kingdom.Even though Nawab Saani was ready for another war against Manipur Kingdom.
The three Mirs eager to know Nawab whether Pasha Muslim would lived in peace and stability in Manipur and whether the Muslims get any problem facing in the Kingdom, but now the Muslim got Kaaji title and Shariah law implemented in the Kingdom.Regarding the war against Manipur Kingdom the three Mirs decided to consult with Nawab Naajri along with Nawab Maajkoor Saad malik based in Shyllet.So the three Mirs told to King Khagemba that they forgot to carry Holy Quran book from Shyllet and need to go back.The three Mirs returned to Shyllet in Pratabhgarh(Which was Shyllet’s Capital).

The three Mirs namely Syed Ambiya,Syed Abdullah and Syed Khulka were discussed with details of Manipur’s condition with Muhammad Majkoor Saad Malick Syed KHulka Hussain of Shyllet.Later they discussed of the Manipur situation with Nawab Muhammad Naajiri.
Later Nawab Muhammad Naajiri told them that if the Muslim got “ Kaaji” title given by Manipur Kingdom than the Muslims won’t be any problem in the future so no need for another war against the Kingdom.
Nawab Muhammad Naajiri also told them that the legal issue of the Muslims settled in Manipur would be based on Shariah law and the dispute among the Muslim would be justified by Kaaji,so there would be a written agreement between King Khagemba and Muhammad Saani.
There were three commitment which would be an agreement between King Khagemba and Muhammad Saani are:

1.The Pasha Muslims were settled in Manipur would be accepted as citizen of the Kingdom.
2.There would be no obstacle for Islam religion and it would be freely practice across the Kingdom and the legal issues of Muslims would be settled through Shariah Law.
3.The Muslims would not be forced to move out from the Manipur Kingdom. If there would so than the offspring of Meitei Women whom called themselves as “Pangal’’ would get their shares. #(Page28-Turko Afghangi Chada Naoda by Kheirudding Khullakpam)
The said three commitment to be followed by the Manipur kingdom else it would be again 2nd war against the kingdom and if the written agreement would be done by Muslims and King Khagemba than there would be no war. In 1609 AD Syed Khulka Hussain brought the Quran books from Shyllet to the Kingdom.

After discussed details of the same commitment by Syed Ambiya,Syed Abdullah, Syed Khulka and Kaaji Muhammad Saani they decided to approach with King Khagemba for the agreement.Later Kaaji aproached the same to the King Khagemba.The King Khgemba told to Kaaji Muhammad Saani that what he said earlier about giving commitment to the Muslims would be same and it won’t be changed but if Muhaamad Saani did not please than he was ready to made agreement.The three commintment were signed by King Khagemba and Muhammad Saani in 1609 AD. . #(Page29-Turko Afghangi Chada Naoda by Kheiruddin Khullakpam)
Later the King allowed to settled the Kingdom the three Mirs namely Syed Ambiya,Syed Abdullah, Syed Khulka to marry each of Manipuri woman i,e Syed Ambiya for Nongthombam Chanu Hemavathi,Syed Abdullah for Yumnam Lembi,Syed Khulka for Moirang Chanu Kunjubu etc.The three Mirs got surname of “Merai Mayum’’. . #(Page29-Turko Afghangi Chada Naoda by Kheiruddin Khullakpam).